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rpg400-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

>   1. RE: Logical File Access (Cindy Major)
>Thanks for your help.     If you can spare a minute, could you please
>explain why this is a Midrange-L question, so I'll understand for the


Others have answered, but there are two points that I didn't see mentioned.

The different lists can have different subscribers. It's a fair bet that most 
who would answer your question on the RPG list would also be subscribed to 
Midrange-L, but there could easily be an IBMer who might be best qualified to 
answer such a general question and who also only watches Midrange-L, 
particularly because it's a more general list.

Also, the posts are archived for future searches. A subscriber would likely 
search for a general posting/reply in Midrange-L.

So, you could expect the possibility of a better answer and future listers will 
also benefit.

Tom Liotta

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