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If you are running on V5R3M0, you can use the new %SUBARR built-in function and an array mapped over outTest. Using a similar overlaying technique, you can get rid of the padChars constant.

For example:

D inTest          S             16A   inz('ABCDE')
D                 ds
D outTest                       32A
D outTestArr                     1A   dim(32) overlay(outTest)
D padChar                        1A
D padNbr                         3u 0 overlay(padChar)
D len             s             10I 0
D bigPad          C                   const(x'1010101010101010101010101010-
D                                     1010')

   exsr pad;
   inTest = 'abcdefghijklmnop';
   exsr pad;
   *inlr = *on;

   begsr pad;
     len = %len(%trim(inTest));
     outTest = inTest;
     padNbr = 16 - len;
     If (len < 16);
       %subarr(outTestArr: len + 1: 16 - len) = padChar;
       %subst(outTest: 17: 16) = bigPad;

Mel Rothman
Mel Rothman, Inc.

Haas, Matt wrote:
I'm working on a project where I'm exchanging encrypted information with
a Java based system. I'm using the CIPHER MI to do 128 bit AES and the
last issue that I'm working on is padding the last block of data
(they're 16 bytes) before it's encrypted to emulate how the Java
implementation is working. I'm using the PKCS5 method (Method 4 at
http://www.di-mgt.com.au/cryptopad.html explains the goal) and what I'd
like to do is eliminate the loop I'm using to add padding characters.
An example of the result I'm looking for is this:

"inTest" is 5 bytes long. We're using 16 byte blocks (to match up with
Java) so I need to add 11 padding bytes to the end of the string. PKCS5
says to add the hexidecimal value of the number of bytes added to the
end of the string so I need to add 11 "x'0B'"'s after "ABCDE". The hex
value ends up looking like this:


When "inTest" is 16 bytes, I need to add 16 "x'10'"'s to the end (I
don't think this is correct per the spec but it's how Java is doing it)
with a result like this:


Here's some code I whipped up to test adding the padding (this does work

DinTest           S             16A   inz('ABCDE')
DoutTest          S             32A
Dlen              S             10I 0
Dctr              S             10I 0
DpadChar          S              1A
DpadChars         C
D                                     0F10')
DbigPad           C
D                                     1010')
    exsr pad;
    inTest = 'abcdefghijklmnop';
    exsr pad;

    *inlr = *on;

    begsr pad;
       len = %len(%trim(inTest));
       outTest = inTest;
       If (len < 16);
          padChar = %subst(padChars: 16-len: 1);
          for ctr = len+1 to 16;
             %subst(outTest: ctr: 1) = padChar;
          %subst(outTest: 17: 16) = bigPad;

I had considered a bunch of constants but that seems worse than the
loop. Any ideas?



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