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<snip, bobbing and weaving>
> Hindsight and Monday-morning quarterbacks always being superior to the
> Vince Packards of the world, we could also say they should have done two
> date data "types" instead of one (six-digit and eight-digit).  That way
> *LOVAL and *HIVAL could have been the same thing for the same data type.
> But then we would have squawked about that too.

Perhaps the real answer is that there shouldn't be a way to show only
two digits for the year.  Why two?  Why not three?  What's two more
screen positions?  It's the year 2005, not 5.  We the programmers, and
moreso, the users out there, hate those extra two digits, but they
need to get on their little calculators and work it out in their
little heads that 2005<>5,  and 1999<>99.

Bob could write an X-tool module that would return an 8-character
field in the format specified for those who insist on not seeing the
extra two digits in the date.

"Enter any 11-digit prime number to continue..."

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