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My 2 cents:

We have been using this kind of stuff (compiling instructions in the
source read by a utility program) for close to 10 years. It is used on a
daily basis by over 60 programmers (some hold, some new, some
contractor, some student ...). The advantages far outweigh the problem.
Now nobody forget to specify CPI(15) on a printer file or an override
before a compile anymore.

As for overiding some parameter when compiling, our utility allows it.
Instead of pressing enter, we press F4 and answer YES to a show command
prompt and we can then change it for this time only without having to
change the source. 

In fact, we dont use option 14 of PDM anymore (we now use the home made
CP instead)

Denis Robitaille
Directeur services technique TI
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>>> Lim.Hock-Chai@xxxxxxxx 2004-10-13 16:09:30 >>>
I think it is a good idea.  But for some reasons, I just don't think it
is safe.  I would be concerned if somebody add /PRECMD: CLRPFM
There is a big different between running and compiling program.  When I
run a program, I normally have a general idea of what it will/should do.
 When I compile a program , I normally just compile it without thinking
much about it.

Another problem about the /PRECMD is that there is not a way to
override the parm of the compile command.  If you want to compile the
RPGLE program with the option of ALWNULL(*YES).  There is no way to
change it using /PRECMD, unless ibm add some special keyword to it.

-----Original Message-----
From: rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Scott Klement
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 2:42 PM

I don't understand.  Couldn't the 3rd party software have CL programs
do exactly what the precompiler commands could do?  Or RPG programs
do the same thing?

How would the precompiler commands add any risk that you're not
facing by running 3rd party apps in the first place?

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