× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Here's a routine that works in production:

$ymd and $hms are data structures that just split up the dates and times

 // convert the start and end dates/times to timestamps
 // then calculate the elapsed time in minutes.
    reset dsDateTime;
    $ymd = %Editc(dsEmp(idx).empStartDate(idx2):'X');
    $hms = %editc(dsEmp(idx).empStartTime(idx2):'X');

    startTimeStamp = %timeStamp(($year + '-' + $month +
      '-' + $day + '-' + $hour + '.' + $minute + '.' +
      $second + '.000000'));

    reset dsDateTime;
    $ymd = %editc(dsEmp(idx).empEndDate(idx2):'X');
    $hms = %editc(dsEmp(idx).empEndTime(idx2):'X');

    endTimeStamp = %timeStamp(($year + '-' + $month +
      '-' + $day + '-' + $hour + '.' + $minute + '.' +
      $second + '.000000'));
    dsEmp(idx).empMinutes(idx2) =



Mark D. Walter
Senior Programmer/Analyst
CCX, Inc.

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