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"Hence my referral to V5R2."

I followed it Rob.  You said: "V5R2 allows you to read the file directly into
that data structure.  Prior to that using a data structure on a read was limited
to internally defined file.  Look at the read opcode for V5R2.  And if you don't
like prefix, there's always qualified."

However, there are two tricky points here:

a) My file should be program described instead of externally.

b) I do not need to debug when I read but after I update.  During calculations,
I am affecting field values and is after the UPDATE point where I want to be
able to EVAL the record but using the data structure in question.

Remember that there are a lot of fields that belong to my file MPSSUM that are
part of different data structures and at UPDATE time, all of them pass from
those data structure fields to the record.  I want to be able to see them all
after this update, including fields that are not part of data structures, like
the key fields, time stamp fields I have at the end of the record, etc.  I wan
to see ALL FIELDS in one shot when I do DEBUG.  I do this all the time but when
I have fields defined and in use in other places, I have the error that the
fields are already been defined.

There should be an easy way of accessing a data structure that contains the
current data values of a file, based on the conditions I am describing...

Peter Vidal
Pall Aeropower Corp.
SR Programmer Analyst
"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior
spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive
with our frail and feeble mind."
Albert Einstein

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