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Bob Cozzi wrote:
If you don't want to use QSort, you might want to wait for V5R3.
The problem with that technique is that is sorts all 5000 elements
regardless of how many are actually in the array at the time. So you could
potential end up with a bunch of crap at the start of the array.
I wrote an article on using QSORT to sort data structures (and showed how to
apply that to a subfile) in my free news letter. Go to www.mcpressonline.com/midrangedev and click on the article that
contains the phrase "Subfile sort".
Bob Cozzi

Bob: Why would you wait for V5R3? Is there something in V5R3 that might help someone sorting an array data structure? (Answer: no)

The C run-time library function qsort() is a good choice prior to the day (who knows when?) when SORTA can handle array data structures. And probably more efficient too than SORTA. Currently, SORTA uses a shell sort. Although reasonably good, it's not as good as the quick sort algorithm used by qsort().

Cheers! Hans

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