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I have an RPG program that is calling a java program that runs fine when run 
once.  Now, this RPG program is being called from a CL program that has 
basically an infinite loop with a couple seconds delay between iterations.  The 
first headache this caused was the job would slow down over a couples hours 
time.  It was as if some resources were not being released.  I have corrected 
this by adding a call that destroys the JVM each iteration.  If anyone has 
comments or experience with that I would appreciate them.  Now, my problem and 
reason for the post is that after 6 - 8 hours of iterations I get a 
SocketException: too many open files from my java program.  My program 
opens/closes 2 sockets per iteration.  I have created a java wrapper program 
that does what the CL/RPG is doing with hardcoded parameters and after 24+ 
hours I have yet to see this error.  BTW, I used RUNJVAPGM to run the java on 
the 400.  To me it would appear to be something in the interaction of RPG with 
Java.  Increasing the descriptors(ulimit) for the job just delays the error 
from occuring.  I have a workaround in place that submits limited iterations as 
jobs... but I would like to find an answer as to what/why this is happening.  

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