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  What have you tried?
  Have you tried putting the colon at the end of the first line instead
of at the beginning of the second?
  Have you tried moving one of the fields from one line to the other to
see if the error message changes?

  It does not look to me like you are using field names from the file
when you do your update.  How can that work?  (Obviously I'm making a
huge assumption here which will probably simply make me look stupid, but
I've been there before)  Case in point, your first field seems to be an
array element, and so far, I've never been able to define an array in a
file.  (Oh, sure, with overlays in a program, but never in the file
So, how does the program know which fields you want it to update?

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Vidal [mailto:Peter_Vidal@xxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 7:57 AM
To: RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries
Subject: Re: FREE Code: *RNF0312 and *RNF5377 Errors

I removed the '+' but now I have a different error on lines 1875 and
*RNF7707 20   1875 098500  A parameter for %FIELDS is not valid.
*RNF7707 20   1876 098600  A parameter for %FIELDS is not valid.
*RNF7707 20   1876 098600  A parameter for %FIELDS is not valid.
*RNF7707 20   1876 098600  A parameter for %FIELDS is not valid.
*RNF7707 20   1876 098600  A parameter for %FIELDS is not valid.

1869 C     UpdBookQtys   Begsr
1870  /Free
1871    Chain CoCusYr MPSSum;
1873    Exsr LstMntStamp;
1874    If %found(MPSSum);
1875       Update MPSSumR %fields(MPBQ(RunQtr):MPDBok:MPDBrw:MPBMtd
1876                              :tMPLDTE:tMPLTME:tMPLUSR:tMPLPGM);
1878       If SummaryMode;
1879          tMPDBok = tMPDBok + MPDBok;
1880          tMPDBrw = tMPDBrw + MPDBrw;
1881          tMPBMtd = tMPBMtd + MPBMtd;
1882          tMPBQ(RunQtr) = tMPBQ(RunQtr) + MPBQ(RunQtr);
1883       Endif;
1885    Endif;
1886  /End-Free
1887 C                   Endsr

Peter Vidal
Pall Aeropower Corp.
SR Programmer Analyst

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