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I am trying to do my first 'Trigger' program and not having much luck.  I have 
a file that records are written to from several programs. I currently have a CL 
that runs every 2mins. It reads my file and executes a program that adds the 
record to a query file after some exiting.
What I want to do is have the CL and program run when every there is a recorded 
added.  I am using RPG III.
Here are the file layout and part of the CL and RPG program.

File: 1 field called ZZUSER for 128.

CL:     ovrdbf  file(trdata) tofile(wjmwork/zzuser)
        ovrdbf          file(dcsnew) tofile(wjmwork/dcsnew)
        call            pgm(wjmwork/trdata)

RPG:    F:trdata                uf      f       128     disk
        F:dcsnew        o       f       192     disk            a
        I:trdata        ns      01
        I:                              1       1       recid
        I:                              8       12      badge
        I:                              25      30      date
        I:                              31      36      time
        C:              again   tag
        C:                      read    trdata                  lr
        C:              *inlr   ifeq    '1'
        C:                      goto    endpgm
        C:                      end
        C:              recid   ifne    'A'
        C:                      goto    again
        C:                      else
        C:                      excpt   update
        C:                      excpt   delrec
        C:                      end
        O:dcsnew        eadd    update
        O:                      badge           22
        O:                      date            17
        O:                      time            30
        O:trdata        e       delrec

I do the following command to add the trigger: addpftrg file(wjmwork/zzuser) 
trgtime(*after) trgevent(*insert) pgm(wjmwork/dcscoletcl) rpltrg(*yes)

I would appreciate it if some one can give me help on getting this working.  It 
seams like it should be so simple.

Thanks in advance,
William Moore 
wjmoore@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:wjmoore@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
805-489-5144 ex.234

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