× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

MUCH appreciated.
After your last e-mail I revisited the web page and read and re-read the 
article. If this was a Monday morning AND I had'nt had my usual 20 cups of 
coffee, I could excuse myself for being so thick, however, this is NOT Monday 
morning AND i've had 30 cups of coffee, ergo, I must be thick. This last e-mail 
is much better.
Again thanks

>>> "Bob Cozzi" <cozzi@rpgiv.com> 08/21/02 11:09AM >>>

I covered that in a presentation I did at COMMON a few years ago.
Here's the source code:

   P WeekDay         B                   EXPORT
   D WeekDay         PI            32A
   D  InputDate                      D   CONST DATFMT(*ISO)

   D                 DS
   D  Days                         70A   INZ('Sunday    +
   D                                          Monday    +
   D                                          Tuesday   +
   D                                          Wednesday +
   D                                          Thursday  +
   D                                          Friday    +
   D                                          Saturday')
   D  Day                          10A   Dim(7) Overlay(Days)

   C                   TEST(E)                   InputDate
   C                   If        %ERROR
   C                   Return    'Invalid Date'
   C                   Endif
    **  Note: Date validation is done here to avoid -1 return value
   C                   return    Day(DayOfWeek(InputDate))
   P WeekDay         E

This is calling a slightly different GetDayOfWeek procedure. I called in
DayOfWeek so it'll have a different name from the one in the article.
The main difference is that this DAYOFWEEK procedure accepts a valid
date data-type as its input parameter whereas the article was concerned
with that strange CL date CYMD format.

Below is the modified DayOfWeek procedure.

P DayOfWeek       B                   EXPORT
 ** Procedure interface for DayOfWeek function
D DayOfWeek       PI            10I 0
D  InputDate                      D   CONST DATFMT(*ISO)
** Base date is based on calendar changed date
D BaseDate        S               D   INZ(D'1582-10-14')
D nDayOfWeek      S             10I 0
D nDays           S             10I 0
C                   TEST(E)               InputDate
C                   If        %ERROR
C                   Return    -1
C                   Endif
C     InputDate     SubDur    BaseDate      nDays:*DAYS

C                   CALLB     'CEEDYWK'
C                   Parm                    nDays
C                   Parm                    nDayofWeek

C                   return    nDayOfWeek

P DayofWeek       E

Bob Cozzi

-----Original Message-----
From: rpg400-l-admin@midrange.com [mailto:rpg400-l-admin@midrange.com]
On Behalf Of alan shore
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 9:35 AM
To: <"'rpg400-l@midrange.com'"
Subject: Dear all,

Dear all,
I came across an article by Robert Cozzi, Jr at
titled "Moving to ILE CL" (and before anyone starts saying that I'm in
the wrong  forum, this is an RPG question) I decided it was high time
for me to start delving into creating procedures, and binding and such.
Plus the end result of this article would give me the day of the week
for a particular date, which is something that I need for a project I'm
working on. So - killing 2 birds with one stone. Anyway, in the
article/procedures/programs, what is returned is a numeric value
representing the day of the week. What I want ot return is the actual
English representation. Monday, Tuesday etc. I attempted to implement
arrays, but ended up with not being able to create a module due to
compile errors. My question to the forum, how can arrays be implemented
in rpg procedures, if possible. I have included the RPG module that I
ended up with, and it should be apparent what array I am attempting to
implement. Much appreciated and thanks in advance.

      *************** Beginning of data
0001.00 H NOMAIN
0003.00  * GetWeekDay - Calculate the day of the week from a CL format
date 0004.00  * 0005.00
0006.00 D GetWeekDay      PR            10a
0007.00 D   cymdDate                     7A   CONST
0009.00 P GetWeekDay      B                   Export
0010.00  * DAYOFWEEK
0011.00 D GetWeekDay      PI            10A
0012.00 D   cymdDate                     7A   CONST
0013.00  *
0014.00 D BaseDate        S               D   DATFMT(*ISO)
0015.00 D Days            S             10I 0
0016.00 D DayofWeek       S             10I 0
0017.00 D DayofWeekAlpha  S              1A
0018.00 D WeekDay         S             10A
0019.00 D InputDate       S               D   DATFMT(*ISO)
0020.00  *
0022.00 C     *CYMD0        TEST(DE)                cymdDate
0023.00 C                   If        %ERROR
0024.00 C                   return    'Invalid   '
0025.00 C                   endif
0026.00 C     *CYMD0        MOVE      cymdDate      InputDate
0027.00 C     InputDate     Subdur    BaseDate      Days:*Days
0028.00 C                   CALLB     'CEEDYWK'
0029.00 C                   PARM                    Days
0030.00 C                   PARM                    DayofWeek
0031.00 C     DayofWeek     dsply
0032.00 C                   if        DayofWeek=1
0033.00 C                   eval      Weekday='Sunday   '
0034.00 C                   else
0035.00 C                   if        DayofWeek=2
0036.00 C                   eval      Weekday='Monday   '
0037.00 C                   else
0038.00 C                   if        DayofWeek=3
0039.00 C                   eval      Weekday='Tuesday  '
0040.00 C                   else
0041.00 C                   if        DayofWeek=4
0042.00 C                   eval      Weekday='Wednesday'
0043.00 C                   else
0044.00 C                   if        DayofWeek=5
0045.00 C                   eval      Weekday='Thursday '
0046.00 C                   else
0047.00 C                   if        DayofWeek=6
0048.00 C                   eval      Weekday='Friday   '
0049.00 C                   else
0050.00 C                   if        DayofWeek=7
0051.00 C                   eval      Weekday='Saturday '
0052.00 C                   else
0053.00 C                   eval      WeekDay='Invalid  '
0054.00 C                   endif
0055.00 C                   endif
0056.00 C                   endif
0057.00 C                   endif
0058.00 C                   endif
0059.00 C                   endif
0060.00 C                   endif
0061.00 C     WeekDay       dsply
0062.00  *
0063.00 C                   Return    WeekDay
0064.00 P GetWeekDay      E

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