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Hi all,

I've been given a file and asked to summarize by a binary ID field.

File FOO:
      A          R FOOA
      A            FIELD          9B 0
      A          K FIELD

So, I pulled out the trusty cycle:

      FFOO     IP  E           K        DISK
      I                                              FIELD L1

And promptly received:
Severity 10
Control Level/Matching Field entries not blank for binary field.  Entry
defaults to blank.

Fine, I'll just code it up in ILE:
FFOO       IP   E           K DISK
                                     FIELD         L1
And promptly received:
Severity 20
Control-Levels or Matching-Fields entry is not blank for input

Why does RPG and ILE not support all the datatypes in OS/400?
What could possibly be wrong (or somehow so difficult as to not be
supported) with breaking on a binary field?

So now what?  I can't redefine the file -- It's someone else's.  I have go
back to the stone age and internally describe it.  Or use hand made level
break code.  Anyone have a brighter idea?

Thank you.


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