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Rolf Mittag wrote:

>That's just as I do it for now. I've a service-program for
>all Sql. But that's _definitivley_ _not_ desirable as a design
>because it makes simple things more complicated.

As you say, it makes simple things more complicated, but nowadays, what is
simple anymore?  The old way would be:
cust chain rcustmas
     if not %found
The new way might be:
if getCustRecord(cust) = NOTFOUND

Either code is easy to understand.  The complexities come from creating the
service program and binding it to the program.  (Is there a good name to use
for "the program that uses the service program?")  :-)

>How will you handle conditional compile of sql-statements?
Right now, I don't use conditional compile for SQL.  As you note, the
pre-compiler is... lacking in features.  By "nesting" subprocedures, I don't
need to use conditionals.  What I mean is that I have a primitive
setllCustRecord and chainCustRecord, etc. that I define as "internal" to the
data manipulation service program.  These can use SQL or RPG depending on
performance needs.  All they do is simple position/fetch operations.  I then
create higher level subprocedures that use the primitives.  These use no SQL
and are exported from the service program.

>By the way, the sql-precompiler also declares nested copies
>to be illegal and has problems with o-specs.

Yes, I know.  That's why somebody (Toronto?) invented /INCLUDE.  The
pre-compiler is very poor compared to the RPG compiler - typically several
releases old in terms of functionality.

>thanx for your comments

Rolf, thank you for the discussion.  It's always good to hear someone else's
thoughts on program design!

Buck Calabro
Aptis; Albany, NY
"Nothing is so firmly believed as
 that which we least know" -- Michel Montaigne
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