× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

The incremental backup feature of Ghost is a nice solution, and would
probably work for Joe just fine.

As to DVDs for backup, that's squarely in the 'it depends' category.
For a basic install of Windows + Office + a half dozen other apps + a
lifetime's worth of Office docs, 1-2 DVDs is plenty.  Capacity will only
really become an issue if you d/l and keep online lots of A/V stuff.
Take lots (and I do mean lots) of pics with a digicam, etc.

It's also the whole speed vs. cost issue.  DVD-RW drives are either a
part of most new machines or can be had for about $50.  Blank media,
without going dual-layer, is well udner 50 cents each.

You want faster or higher capacity (w/o user intervention)?  Pay up.
Get a tape drive, external hard drive, or over-the-wire network backup.
But expect to pay for the priviledge.

BTW, for a batch file backup of your major files to a network drive, try
  CD \Backups\YourPC (where the backups will be stored)
  CD \Documents and Settings
  XCOPY *.* X: /h/i/c/k/e/r/y/d

This isn't 100% as it can't nab open files (you may see sharing
violation messages), but it should nab all of your documents.  It also
only copies over new/changed files so you don't back up everything every

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