× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

If you are already familiar with Scott's HTTAPI then why not continue to use it? It is no different with JSON than with XML.

For parsing the resulting JSON DATA-INTO with Scott's YAJLINTO works very well and is fast. Using "raw" YAJL is also an option in those cases where DATA-INTO is not the answer. Similarly, Scott has YAJLGEN to be used with DATA-GEN to generate the JSON payloads you will invariably need to send to some web services.

The IWS routines I personally don't like - way too much effort compared with Scott's stuff and they don't "feel" like RPG.

The new QSYS2 SQL routines are good too but I personally find them very hard to use. I've never been a fan of SQL syntax and to me this just adds another layer of complexity (not to mention weirdness) on top. As Tim noted - stay away from the old versions they can have some very off quirks. If you are familiar with SQL and the data you are receiving lends itself to an SQL approach then they fine but in complex cases just too much like write-only code for my taste.

Jon P.

On Feb 16, 2024, at 4:01 AM, Gad Miron <gadmiron@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello sages

I need to consume some (in house) Rest Web Services ,
POST & GET (if these are the correct terms for upload and download data)
Which way is the simplest?
Scott's LIBHTTP (we now use it for SOAP WSs) ?
Scott's YAJL (I just know that there is such a thing) ?
SQL's new (and not so new) functions ?

Some pointers would surely help a lot.

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