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Hi Art

It is different from the STRSQL F4 prompt - that one divides clauses into separate components. Content Assist seems to start from a fairly completely valid statement. And when you are trying to create a table, there is no source to use to get column names that don't exist yet.

I think I found a very useful alternative in the Schema tool - it is available in the Tools menu of RSS. Open it to the list of libraries (schemas), then right-click on a schema name and click on the New item - you'll see all the kinds of SQL objects you can create, including tables - for each object type there is a window with tabs for the several clauses of each kind of CREATE. Those tabs are similar, to my thinking, to the steps you use in STRSQL.

Now back to Content Assist - there are some kinds of statements that lend themselves more easily to this tooling. To see options, press F4 (or Ctrl-Space) in an empty area - you'll get a list of the kinds of statements to start with, including a couple SELECTs, some UPDATEs and DELETEs and a few other things.

There are more examples if you work with examples - press Ctrl-I, then select the Data Definition Language set of examples, and there are several full examples.

Hope this has shown you ways to get the same results - it certainly helped me to investigate RSS again to see what it might have. I did have some memory of the windows for creating new stuff but didn't see that directly in the RSS edit panel itself. But I figured there had to be something, so dug around.


On 1/11/2024 2:18 PM, Art Tostaine, Jr. wrote:
Is prompt supposed to work the same way it does on green screen STRSQL? For
instance I'd like to type CREATE TABLE, press prompt key and have a way to
type in my column definitions.

When I press F4 I always get the same message, invalid SQL.


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