× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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We use the sFTP key exchange system almost exclusively.

Confirming what Jack writes below plus . . .

We are running sFTP connections for many trading partners throughout the day on a given system.

Every partner has different requirements and so we employ a unique userid per partner.

When the CL driver script enters *IX world it lands in the /home/<userid> directory on the IFS.

From there we an manage unique .sh and .py scripts sculpted for each partner's requirements.

So, for us, it is important to have unique profile per each sFTP partner.



On 12/21/2023 4:21 AM, Jack Woehr via MIDRANGE-L wrote:
When SFTPing to a remote system, all that matters is that you know an
account name at the remote end and you can either provide its password or
have a public key installed on the remote. It doesn't care who you are to
your local system.

The public key on the remote site must correspond to a private key found
either in the local user's ~/.ssh directory or pointed to by the
appropriate command line switch passed to the sftp command.

On Wed, Dec 20, 2023, 21:11 Don Brown via MIDRANGE-L <
midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I need to set up a sFTP file transfer.

I have been provided a user name and password, the user is admin

I used the ssh -T admin@<hostname> to add the site to the known hosts

Does the user profile name on the IBMi need to be the same or can I use a
user name of SFTPUSER or something similar with a maximum length of 8
characters ?

As an example can I log in as SFTPUSER (or change the current active
profile to SFTPUSER) and then use sftp admin@<hostname>

I thought this was fine but I just can't find an explicit answer.

Thank you


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