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On 11/13/23 11:17 AM, Rob Berendt wrote:
Require mixed case passwords. Enforce it.
Apparently scanners (at least ours) will not send mixed case. I suspected
some people had a sheet pasted with their user id and password in barcode
they were using for their scanner devices. It was confirmed when someone
asked how to change their password to all one case for exactly this purpose.

Ye vish!

The things people will go through to avoid the arduous task of coming up with a password that's easy to remember but impossible to guess. (I'd say how I do it, but then I'd be legally obligated to either kill everybody on the List, crash the Midrange.com servers, and turn all the backups into a lump of slag, or take on the slightly harder task of coming up with another system for coming up with passwords).

I suspect that the monocase thing was specific to the barcode the yutzes were using.

I don't hold with password managers, either.


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