× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Over the years I have created quite a few SQL views over our database. They greatly simplify our ERP database.

We are having performance issues since going to v7r5 (coincidence?)... IBM has taken numerous traces, dumps, etc. and the issue appears to be directly related to disk I/O - response times are very poor (+60 ms). We've added some indexes advised by IBM and RSS, etc. but they haven't helped much.

One particular SQL view (that gets used a lot) keeps coming up in the conversation - OPEN_PICKS. This view contains joins from one table to 9 other views. In some cases, those other views contain columns (fields) that are not necessary for the OPEN_PICKS view. Three of the views were created over a large table (many rows) specifically to feed OPEN_PICKS and simplify (for me) the SQL statement.

My question is this... would it improve performance and/or assist the query optimizer to re-tool OPEN_PICKS and remove the other views in favor of directly referencing the specific tables/columns that I need? Or, should this not really affect the overall performance that much?

[Logo]<https://www.totalbizfulfillment.com/> Greg Wilburn
Director of IT
301.895.3792 ext. 1231
301.895.3895 direct
1 Corporate Dr
Grantsville, MD 21536

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