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Hello James,

Am 06.10.2023 um 19:13 schrieb James H. H. Lampert via MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Let us all be thankful that we (unlike those using other DB platforms) have both. When the only tool in the box is a hammer, every problem will look like a nail.

Expanding your wise words…

Prior to 2007 I only knew SQL, but when I dug into the OS/400 rabbit hole that year, I quickly learned that both ways of dealing with structured data have their advantages and disadvantages. It's another tool in my ever growing toolbox.

It's good to have *choice*. :-)

Why should one want to make a horse look like a cat? If the problem is better (less programming effort, less code, less computing overhead, and yes, less head-scratching, …) solved with RLA, what is the reason to *not* use RLA but instead "rape" SQL into "behaves like RLA"?

In other words: Don't forge a hammer into a crude screwdriver when you apparently need one. Just use the real thing. :-)

:wq! PoC

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