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I got intrigued by this question. There is a TIMESTAMPDIFF in Db2 - it says it returns an estimate of the number of whatever unit you specify. So if you do this in RSS -

values(timestampdiff(16, char(timestamp('2017-03-02') - timestamp('2017-02-02'))));

the answer is 30, because timestamp subtraction gives a timestamp duration with 1 month (because the day of each date is the same).

If you do this -

values(timestampdiff(16, char(timestamp('2017-03-01') - timestamp('2017-02-02'))));

the answer is 27, because it gives you the actual days in the timestamp duration. Hence, the estimate - if the duration reports months, the assumption is 30 days in a month, if years, 365 days in a year.

We can use the day, month, etc., functions on a duration to extract that part of it. So this statement -

values(month(timestamp('2017-03-02') - timestamp('2017-02-02')));

returns a 1, while this -

values(day(timestamp('2017-03-02') - timestamp('2017-02-02')));

returns a 0.

Basically you can get the same estimate as TIMESTAMPDIFF does for 2 dates by something like this -

year(date-duration) * 365 + month(date-duration) * 30 + day(date-duration)

Using days function works because gives 1 more than the number of days since 0001-01-01.

DATEDIFF in SQL Server is a somewhat similar function to TIMESTAMPDIFF (yes, you purists, I said similar!) And it gives the consistent number of days - so between Feb 1 and Mar 1 it gives 28 or 29. I wish we had the like on the i. Now a question is, what does the SQL standard define?


On Thu, 14 Sep, 2023 at 12:37 AM, Birgitta Hauser <Hauser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

To: 'midrange systems technical discussion'


There is no direct way to convert a numeric value into a date time representation. If you only want a character representation, you could try something like this:
Translate(VarChar_Format(Dec(Timestamp1 - Timestamp2, 10, 0), '00,00,00,00'), ':', ',')

Note: VarChar_Format is normally used for to convert timestamps into character representation or to convert numeric values into a character representation.
Since the number of digits between the group separator (,) is not checked you could use it to build a character representation of a date/time value. But the group separator is always a comma, so if you need a colon, you have to convert it (with either the TRANSLATE or REPLACE function).

If you only deal with times, you could also try the following (the result is a real time!)
Time('00.00.00<http://00.00.00>') + (Midnight_Seconds(Time1) - Midnight_Seconds(Time2)) Seconds

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Birgitta Hauser
Modernization – Education – Consulting on IBM i

IBM Champion since 2020

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-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> On Behalf Of Bryan Dietz
Sent: Wednesday, 13 September 2023 22:35
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Subject: Re: SQL Data Subtraction question

Birgitta, as a one off to your comment.

I've used the subtraction date but have not been able to find a decent way to edit the resulting value that I have for calculating the wall clock time for job:

digits(dec(t3.MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP - t2.MESSAGE_TIMESTAMP)) as Duration_ddhhmmss

into something like dd:hh:mm:ss


Birgitta Hauser wrote on 9/13/2023 12:15 AM:
If you subtract 2 dates with SQL the result will be an 8 digit numeric
value representing the difference in Years, months, days. i.e. in your
example 103 means 1 Month and 3 Days.

Birgitta Hauser
Modernization – Education – Consulting on IBM i

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