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Interesting option - I'm just wondering if it could be used without large changes to the code - processing a multi-format LF involves a record format ID, if I remember - and I don't see that being done with a JOIN. But I'm happy to see an example in code. Ted Holt's article that I cited does have code to support the concept, I'm going to look at that further.

Fortunately, I suppose, I don't think we have any of these monsters where I work now.


On 8/1/2023 4:38 PM, dr2@xxxxxxxx wrote:
can you do a join over the 2 PF's in your SQL to achieve the same data
functionality and then mush on with what needs to be done?


On 2023-08-01 17:07, Justin Taylor wrote:

I have a multi-format LF that combines two PFs. That works fine for RPG
RLA, but not SQL (SQLSTATE 42857). I'm sure I've read somewhere that it's
possible to do this with a SQL index, which would allow both keyed RLA and
SQL. For the life of me, I can't find it.

Can someone throw me a bone?

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