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On 7/14/2023 12:04 PM, K Crawford wrote:
I have a table that has locks on it by QRWTSRVR and QZDASOINT. I know
those are jobs for Prestart job for DRDA and SQL to JDBC and ODBC.

What is the easiest way to get rid of the locks?

If you end them they will come back, I assume due to being prestart jobs
and ODBC jobs. I just need the table for a short time.

The jobs are restarting because they are PJ, but that alone won't lock tables. The locks are coming from some process (web job, end-user using JDBC and that sort of thing) that accesses the table in question.

Stopping the end-user's access is the best way, but sometimes it's left-over SQL pseudo-close that's in play. For those, ALCOBJ *EXCL CONFLICT(*RQSRLS) will hard close the pseudo-closed open data path. Then DLCOBJ and do what you need to do.


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