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I was referring to this IBM's manual (

but it seems an example of one library to another library , what i want is
from IBM i to local desktop or on specific a shared drive path ?

I also referred to this document(

Which points towards mget, mput commands for same but not sure whether it
requires a program or a single command needs to be run multiple times for
each set of specific library/source physical file to cover all the
libraries and their source files for all the source members in the IBM I?

Thanks so much....

On Sat, 8 Jul 2023 at 14:02, tim ken <timk2574@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


One by one FTP we can do using traditional FTP commands for
download/upload purpose ?

But is there any program which could do it for multiple members at the
same time?

like 1) for download- for all the source members from a specific
library/source physical file?

2) Uploading multiple files to a specific library/source physical files?


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