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... it's a little bit complicated!

The answer to your initial question is yes - multiple versions of a srvpgm could be active in the same ACTGRP!!!

For example: Programm A is using a SRVPGM X, Programm B is using the same SRVPGM X. Calling your programm A in Prod Env activates X in Prod Env. Change your lible to TestEnv and call B will activate X in Test Env. Now you would have two Activations of the same SRVPGM in the same ACTGRP.

Conclusion: your problem is related to the programm!


I have a dev version and a prod version of the same service program.

They each live in their own library.

Both are activation group QILE.

I also have a CLP that determines which environment a request is being made

This CLP then sets the *LIBL accordingly.

The prod *LIBL does not include the library where the dev service program

The dev *LIBL does include the library of the prod service program, but it
is below the dev version library.

I had to debug some new changes to the service program the other day.

This was in the dev environment and I had set a breakpoint within the dev
version of the service program.

The breakpoint was never hit.

When I debugged the prod version, the breakpoint I set did stop.

The library list of the job was correct for the environment.

The files that were hit were also the correct files from dev....phew!

The issue only seemed to affect the version of the service program.

I was under the impression that the library list would control which
version of the service program is executed.

It appears that the first version of the service program activated is used
going forward.

Hope that made sense.

Can anyone confirm the behavior in this type of situation?

Any suggestions as to how the correct version can be executed?

Thanks in advance,

- Steve

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