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I checked for the job and it is currently NOT running on the system. There are 3 joblogs from mid-March, but that's it.

I tried Gaagling QCTXMGR but there was no information on how this job gets initiated. I also searched the midrange archives and came up empty.

What initiates this job?



On 4/6/2023 6:45 AM, Rob Berendt wrote:
You should have this job running on your system: QCTXMGR.
IBM is working on a PTF for this job that when it starts it will check for
the existence of both a work and a trc directory underneath
When this PTF comes out if they do not exist they will be created. IBM has
flagged these two directories as not to be saved. So when you do an
unload/reload system migration they aren't there. Which may puke the job.

On Wed, Apr 5, 2023 at 4:57 PM ~TA~ <tadair@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have two IBM i servers. There is a feature in ACS - menu option
Actions, then select Printer Output. This has worked fine on both
systems. Now, after an IPL of one of the boxes, it's suddenly barfing
all over itself. I can select the Printer Output choice and it will
bring up a window of my spool file members. I can use this to
hold/release/delete spool files (actually members, but that's a
discussion for another day). But when I double-click one to view it, I
get an error window of "MSGGEN005 - Internal error - CPFCE02 unable to
access the required transform service". Same error occurs when I
right-click the spool file and select View or Download. I Gaagled the
errors, etc. but the results were less than helpful. I tried to check
my joblog but apparently this feature runs out in Neverneverlan (typo

Has anyone run across this? This is a new system on v.7.5 (current
PTFs), and this may have been the first IPL since we installed it and
got it operational.

Any thoughts? TIA.

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