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Le 12/05/2022 à 17:08, Jeff Crosby a écrit :
Only job "JOB" has the actual command to execute. The command for the
other 3 jobs is:


so if I ever want to change the actual command, it's only in 1 place.

Yes, we do use SBMJOBJS a lot. But, in my opinion, it demonstrates the lack of an important functionality. We should be able to define what I call a procedure (a list of commands to run), and address this procedure in all the scheduled jobs, whatever the schedule they could have. With this functionnality, you indeed define the work to do in only one place, but you can use it in several places. Typical usages could be "ending all applications", "starting all applications" procedures. Then those procedures can be used by daily, weekly, monthly, quaterly, yearly (whatever the schedule actually) scheduled jobs. In case of need to change what to do (for example, include a new application), you update only the appropriate procedure, not all the scheduled jobs.

If I am not wrong, Robot Schedule's HelpSystems provides such a functionality.

Not rocket science I know, but I don't know if the regular job scheduler
can do this. And there are a lot of options in AJS I haven't even looked
Regular Job Scheduler cannot do what you describe, and it does not provide any jobs dependancy processing (IMO, one of the most important features), like AJS (and other Scheduling software) does.

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