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To check if you use the ls cmd in the same path you may use: qsh cmd('which ls')
If it's in a different path you may check your environment: qsh cmd('set')

Changing the environment is done in a .profile file you may find it on user level (qsh cmd('ls ~/.prof*')) or system wide level (qsh cmd('ls /QOpensys/etc/profile'))
https://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=nas8N1010486 (-> Portable Application Solutions Environment (PASE) - Envrionment Setup Using /QOpenSys/etc/profile and $HOME/.profile) may give you more details on this.



-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Scott Klement
Sent: Samstag, 16. April 2022 00:57
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: qsh stdout difference per IBM i

Hi Jay,

I was thinking along the same lines as Jack... you've probably got a different version of 'ls' in your PATH or something.

I also notice that your 2nd example includes the full path vs. just the file name, which also seems to indicate you are picking up a different version of ls.

The default mode in 'ls' is actually to print multiple files per line.
If you want just one per line, most 'ls' utilities have a -1 (that's the number 1) switch that can be passed that means "one per line".

So try it like this:

qsh cmd('cd /home/jvaughn/.ssh && ls -1A')

Since it's listing the current directory, it's less likely to give you the paths. And the -1 explicitly tells it to only include one per line.
(-1A is -1=one per line, and -A=include hidden files.)

Also, FWIW, I don't recommend using OVRDBF FILE(STDOUT) in a production program. It's fine for a one-off or just messing around, but... if it's a "real" program, consider piping the output to Rfile to write it to a PF, or use a redirect to write it to a stream file.


On 4/15/2022 1:55 PM, Jay Vaughn wrote:
I'm trying to figure out why 2 different IBM i's produce different
stdout outputs...


qsh cmd('ls -A /home/jvaughn/.ssh')

.00 0 xyz_rsa_prv
.00 0 xyz_rsa_pub
.00 0 abc_rsa_prv
.00 0 abc_S_rsa_pub
******** End of data ********

output nicely per row in qtemp/dirlist

system 2
same steps above but...


.00 0 /home/jvaughn/.ssh/STOREPORT_rsa_pub
.00 0 /home/jvaughn/.ssh/id_rsa
******** End of data ********

2 files per row instead of 1...


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