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Well, of course as things go in the IT world these days, we can't leave
well enough alone.

Anyhow, I'm working on a project that uses GraphQL. I was thinking at
first "ok, cool... its basically JSON".

No, it's not. It's JSON without delimiters, basically. Why change a good
thing when JSON would work just fine?

Anyhow, at this point I only need to build GraphQL and put it in JSON for
web service requests (and not parse it). But, I'm curious if anyone else
is dealing with it, or if YAJL has options for this (I didn't see any), or
what other methods people are using.

It looks like I just need to build the GraphQL data, then I could use YAJL
to put that into a JSON variable. But if I'm doing that, why even use YAJL
just to wrap the GraphQL in JSON? (ie, just use literals).

Yes, I think it's silly... I'd still love to hear why we can't use JSON
instead of GraphQL.. I mean, I've seen JSON inside of JSON (which is just
as silly).

Job security maybe? :)

</Getting old man rant>

Bradley V. Stone
Native IBM i e-Mail solutions for Microsoft Office 365, Gmail, or any Cloud

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