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Looks to me like it is the value ?8? which is the eighth positional parameter in pgm2.

Rich Loeber - @richloeber
Kisco Information Systems


On 5/27/2021 11:14 AM, K Crawford wrote:
I should know this. But OCL36 code is escaping me.

In the following code how would I know what iparm03 is in pgm3? Or where
it came from?
I searched pgm1.ocl36 for P8 and ?8? and P3 and ?3? and can not find them.

I have the following programs:
<a lot of code...>
pgm2 *all
<a lot of code...>

pgm2.ocl36 (this is the entire program)
// IF ?10?='' EVALUATE P10='S'
CALL pgm3 PARM('?2?' '?4?' '?8?' '?9?' '?10?' '?11?' '?12?' '?13?'
'?14?' +
'?15?' '?16?' '?17?' '?20?' '?19?')

pgm3.rpgle (I know it's not free form but this is what I have).
<a lot of code...>
C *entry plist
C parm iparm01
C parm iparm02
C parm iparm03
C parm iparm04
C parm iparm05
C parm iparm06
C parm iparm07
C parm iparm08
C parm iparm09
C parm iparm10
C parm iparm11
C parm iparm13
C parm iparm14
C parm iparm15
<a lot of code...>

Thanks for your help.

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