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I think the rub comes when we would have to use pyodbc instead of:

from itoolkit import *

which we use to access the db2 side of the I from PASE.

Still. Its really nice to be able to code in anaconda3 and spyder over a mapped drive. Thanks for that tip.

Seems like we live in a dark isolated cave with little light coding away.

Thanks to David for providing midrange-l over years.

What a bounty.


On 10/21/2020 10:10 PM, John Yeung wrote:
On Wed, Oct 21, 2020 at 7:01 PM Jerry Draper <midrangel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hmmm. We really want the standard i/o stuff and to use our ide
(anaconda3) where we can walk thru the code.


I don't use Anaconda myself, but I think the answer is: kind of.

If you can stick to Python packages that are available on both PASE
and Windows, you can write your Python code in such a way that it runs
essentially the same on both PASE and Windows.

Of particular note, you'll want to use `pyodbc` to make the connection
from Python to the Db2 that lives on the i. You need some kind of
bridge into QSYS whether you are running Python in PASE or Windows; it
might as well be the same one.

We can't "run" it on the windows pc because we aren't in the Qshell on
the I.

I don't know if I've parsed that sentence correctly. If I'm
understanding you, then you could just as easily remove the words "in
the Qshell" and not change the meaning or implications.

John Y.

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