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Hi All,

Not sure if this belongs in this list, but I'll start here.

We're having problems with one of our PLCs connecting to our new Power9 box (long story, but there's a PMR open with IBM on it). However, the PLC can still connect to our old Power7 box successfully, but there's no updated data on it (since it's the old box). So with that, I need to temporarily transfer data from our Power9 to the Power7 until this PMR is resolved. I was hoping to do it through an SQL statement to save the trouble of running a backup/restore job since it's running so frequently. Basically I have this (IP addresses are arbitrary - the real ones are something else):

TABLE1 -> Data

TABLE1 -> Data

(NEWPROD was an Option 21 backup/restore of OLDPROD, so all library/member structures are identical).

I know there must be a way to transfer data through an SQL statement, but I'm having trouble trying to remember what I need to do.

From a pseudocode perspective I need to execute an "INSERT INTO oldprod/table1 (SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM newprod/table1)" statement to move the data.

I'll probably just write a trigger statement to transfer the data once it sees a change. But if someone would be so kind as to give me a hand on what I need to do I would appreciate it.



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