× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

The issue is HAVING internet access. MANY customer no longer allow that. Or they simply don't allow your gear on their network period. So now you get to use a 'hockey puck' (my term for Verizon hotspot) if it works there. Often it does, other times notsomuch.

True that IF i can open on-line absolutely. MANY reasons for that to be better not the least of which is the language barrier, the no yelling over my 10,000 screaming fans, the no wait on hold time barrier, the dispatch me to the wrong queue barrier, and the ability to instantly send things to IBM with MGTools.

Sadly, some times the only option is the phone.

- Larry "DrFranken" Bolhuis

www.iDevCloud.com - Personal Development IBM i timeshare service.
www.iInTheCloud.com - Commercial IBM i Cloud Hosting.

On 10/4/2018 10:34 AM, Rob Berendt wrote:
I opened a hmc ticket and got all the way to "submit case" and stopped
there. No issues.
Can you rdp to some other computer outside of that network? Perhaps
they're blocking something?

Rob Berendt

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