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Once the object is saved on tape there's little need to delete the file from the tape-- the system resources have already been spent saving the object. You'd be better off not saving the object again.

As far as duplicating a tape and removing 1 stream file from it, I don't know of any simple way to do it. Although you can display a tape and see all of the individual objects saved, I don't think there's an 'omit IFS file' parameter on the dup tape commands.

Do the auditors know that you're planning to delete a file from all past backups? (;

Paul E Musselman

-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Rob Berendt
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 4:31 PM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Purging an IFS stream file from backups

Given that we do all saves using BRMS is there a way to purge a file from
all backups?

First, I'm not happy that I cannot seem to be able to go directly with
WRKLNKBRM DIR('/home/ROB/aatest2.txt')
But instead I have to do
and drill down to it.

That being said I can eventually find that file, and all media it is saved
on. However I want to remove that file from all media it is saved on. I
see that BRMS has a remove option but I am suspecting that it simply
removes that file from the BRMS data but leaves it on tape, correct?

Also IBM i Access Client Solutions doesn't seem to have any BRMS plug ins,

Tried IBM Navigator for i (aka http://youribmi:2001) but the BRMS stuff in
there didn't seem to have any function like WRKLNKBRM.

Failing any cool way to do this, and supposing that the BRMS remove option
just removes it from BRMS data and not the tape, is there some way to
delete just one file from a sequence number on a save outside of BRMS?
For example, a SAV command saves all IFS data to one sequence on a volume.
How would I delete just '/home/ROB/aatest2.txt' from that?

Rob Berendt

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