× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Yes.  79 years old and I will admit that I am to programming as a kid is to video games.  I love doing it.  Yes, retired but I take on projects for fun and not much pay.

Yes, I understand and do HTML, .css, .json, and some .xml.  I have set up several sites on the iSeries, in the IFS and serve HTML reports that way to provide a decent report archive and save paper. I just finished a project to allow a user to drag & drop .txt files in the IFS.  I do my website with NetObjects Fusion (The license was a door prize at an IBM user group years and years ago.)

Good question about learning the new stuff.  Here is my answer: Yes, I like learning the new stuff.  There is lots and lots of new stuff every day and I will never catch up; nor do I try to.  It's finally dawned on me that gearing up for 10 years from now is, for me, most likely a flawed plan.  Therefore I looked around and decided that there is probably a niche for figuring out how to get the most from what we already have.

That turns out to be, in my opinion, figuring out how to make 5250 truly mouseable.  Not try to adapt the old "Key a pile of data, hit Enter, verify a dozen or more fields, display messages. Fix. Rinse & repeat".   I'd rather get as close as possible to field-at-a-time processing instead of screen-at-a-time processing.

Frankly I am surprised at how much better this design paradigm works with users and I am surprised at the bugs that exist and will never be fixed.

My original goal with this thread was to find others working with the enhanced features and work together to find work-arounds for the bugs.

On 6/24/2018 4:03 PM, Richard Schoen wrote:
Out of curiosity are you looking to build apps for customers with the 5250 gui features or just learning for fun ?

I seem to recall a while back that you were semi-retired or retired or am I incorrect ?

I also seem to remember you were playing with HTML as well.

Why wouldn't you continue down the road of learning the new HTML and other technology, unless you're just playing with the 5250 gui stuff for fun.

Old dogs can learn new tricks. I'm learning new things daily.

Just curious.


Richard Schoen
Director of Document Management
e.richard.schoen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx p. 952.486.6802
w. helpsystems.com


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