× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hi Troy,

It is not currently possible to ignore properties. Maybe an RFE[1] is in

There is no limit as far as I know to the number of fields in a structure
or nested structure. There is a limit to number of parameters (for
programs, I believe it is 255; for procedures, I believe it is 7).

[1] https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rfe/

"MIDRANGE-L" <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 06/27/2017
06:12:19 PM:

From: "Bryant, Troy" <Troy.Bryant@xxxxxxx>
To: "midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 06/28/2017 07:00 AM
Subject: JSON Limitations using IWS
Sent by: "MIDRANGE-L" <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

I have created a RESTful web service using the IWS wizard with JSON
as an input parameter.
It works fine when the JSON is small as in the example provided here:


However, I need to accept a larger file with hundreds of JSON field
names and it fails because all the fields are not declared in my RPG
program data structure.

This is the error -

Is it possible to set something like this?: @JsonIgnoreProperties
(ignoreUnknown = true) as described here: https://stackoverflow.com/
as-ignorable/7546047#7546047 , or do I need to declare every field name?

Is there a limit on the number of field names that IWS will allow
for a JSON file?

Cheers, Troy.

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