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Scott, et al,

I tried various suggestions, then took Diego's advice to look at CHGTCPDMN. There was a DNS address specified that is either invalid or blocked by the firewall. After removing that address "hostname" comes back immediately as does the string with the "ls" command embedded: QSH CMD('cd /usr/Mark/Downloads/;for file in *.h37;do ls "$file";done'). I haven't tested the command with the "mv", but I assume that it will follow suit.

Thanks to all that responded, for the suggestions.

For good measure, I put the invalid address back in, just to make sure that it wasn't a fluke. Sure enough, the old long lag times returned! Even removing the address while the command was running caused the list to start flying by. Any ideas why this would occur?


On 6/19/2017 1:36 AM, Scott Klement wrote:

Something isn't right here -- 25 seconds to run a "mv" command? It should be sub-second. Is your subsystem low on resources?

Your second example, with the "ls" might be slow if it's a very big directory. That one is not a good way to do things... but. the first one shouldn't be too bad. The biggest performance issue, as I see it, is calling "basename" since that will launch a whole new job each time you run it.

But, even with that, I don't get why it'd take 25 seconds.

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