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You will with near certainty be able to use option 6 on a Power7 machine. Yes there is a scenario I can imagine where it could happen but not likely.

That means you will be using option 7 (Stop RAID) and THAT means you WILL have a full backup of your system before you attempt this procedure. It is NOT an option.

Rob is right that you could use ASP balancing to drain the drive but why not go into SST and simply remove the drive. This will completely drain it AND remove it from the ASP. This can run while the system is still up.

After that you can do your backup, boot to SSD, End RAID, then start that drive as a hot spare and then start RAID again.

- Larry "DrFranken" Bolhuis

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On 6/1/2017 2:23 PM, Rob Berendt wrote:
Verify from others.
That being said I wonder if you could minimize your downtime by removing
data from the disk, or at least as much as you can, beforehand.

Rob Berendt

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