Sorry, didn't see this.
I suggest a different tech company. If they're totally BRMS illiterate
then the odds are not likely they are a certified IBM i administrator.
I've done unload/reload's from BRMS. Like from Power 6 to Power 8. It's
a great way to test the validity of your BRMS recovery reports.
However, it's probably getting close to time so you aren't likely to
switch (at least for this occurrence).
I, too, did not see STRSBS in QMNSAVE. I also checked for an API which
may have been called. Such as those at
and didn't see such a beast.
And nothing at
20. Define save system and user data defaults
grabbed my attention as applicable.
One option is to tell the save to prompt for commands and F12 out of the
final STRSBS. (I'd love the see the program call stack at that time!)
Of course, you may lose time baby sitting the commands versus starting the
save, going for dinner and coming back when you expect it to be done. You
may find it just more beneficial to accept it and end the subsystems at
the end. Ensuring that you fully follow their directions (as shown in the
help for option 21):
DLYJOB JOB(number-of-seconds)
DLYJOB JOB(number-of-seconds)
I'd do it slightly different. But, no, ENDSBS *ALL does not negate
needing to run the appropriate ENDTCPSVR, ENDHOSTSVR, ENDTCP. TCP has
gotten pretty persistent that bad things may happen if one assumes that
just doing ENDSBS is sufficient. Really bad.
Rob Berendt
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