× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

On 18-Feb-2016 12:31 -0600, Jim Franz wrote:
On 18-Feb-2016 12:09 -0600, Buck Calabro wrote:
On 2/18/2016 12:30 PM, Jim Franz wrote:
On 18-Feb-2016 10:18 -0600, Jim Franz wrote:
This pc was compromised by malware - we are looking at all the
logs during the infection.
Not all interactive logs have this thread text.
A quick view of other logs don't show anything like it.
Every log entry for several hours has that "Thread 000000CD"

CPF1124 Information 00 02/16/16 13:09:21.461278
Thread . . . . : 000000CD
Message . . . . : Job 789461/DAVEX/CL7328AC started on 02/16/16
at 13:09:21 in subsystem QINTER in QSYS. Job entered system on
02/16/16 at 13:09:21.
CPF2451 Information 40 02/16/16 13:09:21.942945
Thread . . . . : 000000CD
Message . . . . : Message queue DAVEX is allocated to another

a clarification - of 6 different interactive job logs during the
infection, this is the only one with the thread text. also the
log is 40+ pages and every single entry has the Thread . . . . :

Is this thread text common or unique and should we worry about

Was Dave [user DAVEX] using QShell or PASE?
I see messages about threads in my PASE job logs.
I would think that anyone who uses multiple threads would have
something like this.

Definitely not qshell or Pase - old green screen RPGLE/DSPF/CLLE
app. We have hundreds who use this application and I don't see the
thread stuff in any others. This is Win 7 pc with IBM iAccess for
Windows v6.0 (system at 7.1)
There is a IBM Content Manager client on same pc for viewing and
interacting with images stored on Power i image catalogs. I have
viewed other logs and Intrusion Detection logs in Navigator and
cannot see anything other than this.

Thought this worthwhile to share in the original thread of the OP [at least for the NNTP interface; thus the necro-posting, for the original topic thread: [http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l/201602/threads.html#00518]

Almost surely, nothing to be concerned about with that thread identifier being shown in the job log of the interactive job.

IIRC, whenever a job has more than one thread active, whilst the Display Joblog (DSPJOBLOG) [i.e. pgm QMHJLOG] starts processing against that job, then as part of /consistent/ formatting of the joblog, *all* logged message entries spooled, will have included the Thread Identifier associated with that message. Presumably a Work With Job (WRKJOB) [for the Job Run Attributes (*RUNA) details], viewed\spooled at the time as that DSPJOBLOG, would have shown a "Threads" value of greater than one.

Normally 5250 jobs will not have multiple threads; IIRC, because reading from and writing to Display Files is not thread-safe. But some functions like Query activity will perform threaded work, despite the query being run in an interactive job. As I recall, an interactive job can only be started with the Allow Multiple Threads (ALWMLTTHD) setting of *NO, however, the operating system can initiate multiple system-threads irrespective that allow-attribute setting for the job.

If the application [or separately the user] had performed some query activity that ran with multiple system-threads, and there was [either an active query or] a SQL pseudo-closed cursor [an Open Data Path (ODP) that remained opened] for which that multi-threaded query ran, then [I seem to recall that] the query feature leaves [at least one of] the threads active, pending a full-close of that ODP. There also may be other system functions that might have the job start additional system-threads, but most are unlikely to keep threads active whilst the user\application continues processing throughout the day; meaning, the joblog would have to have been spooled in a more specific window of time while those threads remained active, than for a job that anytime previously ran some queries for which the threads were kept active for the potential reuse of that query.

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