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On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 5:46 PM, Gqcy <gmufasa01@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
is this a thing?

Um... not that I know of. Well, let me make the disclaimer that I
can't reasonably be considered a Web developer, so take my opinions
for what they are. (As Buck likes to say, they're worth as much as
you paid for them.)

But the whole point of node.js is to provide a JavaScript engine for
server-side development. The "traditional" model has been JavaScript
running in the browser, and PHP running on the server. But JavaScript
has been gaining mindshare like crazy, in part because more and more
apps have been moving some of the heavy lifting to the browser, and in
part because JavaScript has some "architectural advantages" over PHP,
from a programming language design perspective.

So, the main reason for node.js's existence is actually to make it so
you don't have to touch PHP at all. Just use JavaScript everywhere,
for everything.

I have only about 1 hour of reading about node.js, and see that
it runs in it's own web server, so how would you "attach" the php-cli
to it?

Given what I discussed above, I think the answer is "you wouldn't".

You can scour the Web for more info. A quick search turned up this for me:


John Y.

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