× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


We're just not really seeing much that's different in the output that would
let us know it was successful. It looks a lot like what it did before, just
without those words we were looking for. Since we aren't seeing them, one of
the things we're doing is looking for an 'exit' or 'quit' command in the
log. We always issue one of those at the end of our script. Since the
session always stops on an error and doesn't progress through the rest of
the script, we assume that there must've been an error if we don't see our
'exit' or 'quit' commands being issued.

When we do a 'put' of a file, we also do an 'ls' on the file name after the
'put' to see if it's there. If it isn't there, then we assume the 'put' must
have failed. One problem with that is I know of at least one bank my
customers work with that moves the file between our 'put' and our 'ls,' so
for them we just don't do the 'ls' and assume that if we got to the 'exit'
or 'quit', the file must have been transferred. The other issue would be
that if there was a file already there by that name, we could be fooled into
thinking we transferred the new file based on the 'ls' when only the
pre-existing file is there. So again we would have to rely on looking for
the 'exit' or 'quit'

It sure would have been nice if SSH sFTP had been designed with return codes
like regular FTP.


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