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Thank you for the explanation! I definitely needed that background for better understanding.
Now... I found out some more information that may shed light on my problem.

I tried sending my CSV send again and again failed with the handshake error. I wanted to try creating an application through the DCM and do it that way. Bruce (he's the Operations VP) sent me a "Goto meeting" and we went through the screens together.

During the process, I asked about the final certificate, a .p12 file. He told me that, while he was unable to load the .p12, he was able to "launch" the .p12 and turn it into a .cer!

This doesn't sound right to me. I suspect my problem is because we never loaded the .p12 in its correct form.
Am I right, and if so, is there anything different he needs to do to load a .p12 certificate on the AS/400?


PS. No, using the named application didn't work either. Handshake error.

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