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...although this kind of foolishness really wouldn't be a surprise....

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Pete Massiello - ML
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2013 7:19 AM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion (midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
Subject: IBM i & AIX

Look for an announcement today, that IBM I will be discontinued and merged
into AIX. With the addition of VIOS a few years back, IBM stated that there
was no reason to have two operating systems on the Power platform, and
instead had been using VIOS to host both AIX and IBM i. In the first
generation, of the convergence, IBM I won't have any additional support for
the hardware and will have to run on top of VIOS. Since VIOS can attach to
virtually everything, it makes sense to leverage this hardware investment,
and not develop any additional hardware driver support for IBM i. They
said this will last for 2 years, at which time, IBM I will go away entirely,
and AIX will be the only operating system left.

I heard they were doing this for just one reason, which was to increase
their market share of Power Systems as they compete against SUN/Orcale.
With the new Oracle chip that has come out, they (IBM) are concerned not
about the speed of the clip which IBM states they can firmly beat in all CPU
testing, but they want to increase the number of AIX Licenses. They
figure, what better way than to merge their two primary operating systems
into one, to increase the total. Of course, we all know the huge amounts of
revenue that IBM derives from IBM I, so it is a little surprising. In
addition, in a related announcement, Oracle had decided to withdraw it's
named database, and replace all Oracle databases with IBM DB2, but wanted to
make sure that all their customer's would have to download DB2 from Passport
Disadvantage to complete the transition. Also announced today, that IBM
would be closing down all its manufacturing and support in China, and moving
them back to Rochester wh
ere they belong. You can find out more details on all 3 stories by going
to www.itechsol.com<http://www.itechsol.com> .....

Remember what day it is today. :) Happy 4/1/2013.


Pete Massiello

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