× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

On 30 Jan 2013 08:07, Dan Kimmel wrote:
It scans through the objects in the library (or subset) and checks
for status of 'D' or 'P'. Is this status updated before a save is
attempted? Or does the save itself detect the damage and update the

The Object List APIs [and DSPOBJD which uses the OS equivalent to the APIs] just ask the object if the object is already known to be damaged; a MATSOBJ Materialize System Object for simple object types. In rare cases, for when an object handler [for complex objects; e.g. database *FILE] must navigate the object in such a way that a composite piece of that object not previously detected as damaged, some portion of the object or data may get detected during that limited navigation [limited to effectively getting size information], and only then is the object marked as damaged. The Save feature [LIC Dump feature] must navigate the object and any data portions more thoroughly than just asking for the size of the composite pieces, and thus an upcoming save could still detect damage not visible to the Object Listing request. And for whatever the Object Listing request informs of prior known damage, the Save feature will already omit those objects from being saved so they can not cause a problem for the save request. Thus such requests will serve little purpose except in the [hopefully] rarest of occasions, to do nothing but perform unnecessary work at the cost of CPU and faulting; i.e. generally unproductive request to preceded a save [except for persistent cases of damage like Rob noted for *MTGCOL... but then, the service provider should be working to resolve the problem rather than having the customer deal with circumventing the issue].

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