× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hi Buddy,

You need to add http:// to the front of the URL. The routine you're calling (FileProtocolHandler) can open any sort of document, PDF, DOC, XLS, whatever... it attempts to "guess" what type of document you want to open, and choose the proper tool to open it with.

In the format you've given, it can't tell the difference between a file in a subdirectory of your PC, and a URL to be opened in a browser. the "http:" in the front of the URL is what it looks for to determine that it's a URL and not just a filename.

Typing that string in a browser is completely different. When you type it in the browser itself, the browser is already open, and nothing has to try to decide whether to open the browser or not -- since you're already in it. The default protocol for any web browser is http:, so it works.

But, when you use FileProtocolHandler you're asking Windows to "figure out" whether to use a browser, or Word, or Excel or Adobe, or any other program you might have installed. So in that case, the "http:" is needed so that FileProtocolHandler understands you need to use a browser.

On 6/15/2012 2:21 PM, Buddy McClean wrote:
Good Day,

I have looked at the archives for this task and didn't see anything relevant.

As the subject says, I'm using code below from a green screen command line ( was in CL ) to get a browser. Have tried numerous variations with the punctuation enclosing different parts.

What I get is 'X' on the green screen for 90 seconds then back to the command line with no errors msgs in the job log or SysOpr msgs. Needless to say, no browser.

STRPCCMD PCCMD('rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler 192.16

If I take the URL portion and copy it into a browser - works great. Would it still bring up the browser if it couldn't find the URL?



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