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I was wrong, it was reason code 1. Program not found. *LIBL is not valid
on EXTERNAL NAME. However, check out reason code 3. It says "The external
program was not an ILE *PGM or

Hence me asking the question.

Message . . . . : Routine MATCHANITEMCODE was created, but cannot be
and restored.

Cause . . . . . : The routine MATCHANITEMCODE was created successfully in

MSCHUTTE with a specific name of MATCHANITEMCODE, but the routine's

attributes could not be saved in the associated program or service
object. If the *PGM or *SRVPGM object is saved and then restored, the
catalogs will not be updated with the attributes for this routine.
code is 1. Reason codes and their meanings are: 1 -- The external
did not exist when the CREATE statement was issued. 2 -- The external

program schema is QSYS. 3 -- The external program was not an ILE *PGM or

*SRVPGM. 4 -- The external program was in use by another job. 5 -- The
associated space in the external program was in use by another job. 6 --
SQL associated space in the external program could not be expanded. 7 --
external program was compiled in a release prior to V4R4M0. 8 -- The SQL

associated space in the external program already contains the maximum
of routine definitions. Recovery . . . : Do one of the following based
the reason code: 1 -- Ensure that the external program exists when the

CREATE statement is issued. 2 -- Ensure that the external program schema
not QSYS. 3 -- Ensure that the external program is an ILE *PGM or *SRVPGM.
-- Use WRKOBJLCK to ensure that the external program is available when the

routine is created. 5 -- Ensure that the external program is available
the routine is created. 6 -- Try recompiling the external program to
the program's associated space. 7 -- Recompile the external program in a

more recent release. 8 -- Drop one of the routines currently defined for
external program.

This isn't my issue, but the question still remains.

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 11:01 AM, Michael Schutte <mschutte369@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:

cuz I thought it was a simple enough question.

On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 10:57 AM, CRPence <CRPbottle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 15 May 2012 07:19, Michael Schutte wrote:
I could of sworn that I've seen someone call an external RPG3 program
using external SQL procedure. I'm obviously wrong because I just
received a message in the joblog saying that it must be an ILE
program. <<SNIP>>

There are "data type" restrictions. For example with CLP, there is
no support for a VARCHAR parameter [even though the CL could easily
approximate its effect, just like was presumed\allowed for INTEGER.

Rather than merely stating "a message in the joblog saying...", why
not include specifically what was the error message identifier, the
associated first and second level text, and the context of the error
condition, by actually including the spooled\formatted message text in
the message; and the joblog header also includes the release level?

Regards, Chuck
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