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Was this system LPARd? Otherwise the load source on the CEC can only be in one of two places, Slot 2 or 3 of the right hand DASD chassis with the internal controller. So.....

First bring up the HMC and create a new LPAR with ALL of the equipment on it.
Set the load source to the internal controller, it will look something like: U787F.001.DPM2BWR-P1-T10
Set the console up as your HMC.
In the settings for the new partition set the IPL source to D and the Keylock position to Manual, and put the CD in the drive.
Activate your new partition

When LIC finally loads you'll have the option to initialize the system. Pick that one. That will clear all of the disk you have on the system.


Deactivate the partition. You can just kill it from the HMC.

Disconnect all your 0595s etc. so you only have the CEC left.

Go back to your HMC and delete the all the partitions. (you could also just remove all the now missing hardware from the profile but that's too much like work)

Create a new partition using all the hardware and set your load source up just like you did before. The LIC is still there. IPL into the A side, manual and finish your OS install, including initializing your disk and starting the RAID set or starting mirroring.

Lots of time involved. Get large bag of chips and a good book to read.......( not that Larry or I have EVER done anything like this before....)

Jim Oberholtzer
Chief Technical Architect
Agile Technology Architects

On 9/14/2011 3:57 PM, Chris Bipes wrote:
I am trying to completely wipe out my old 520 and then remove two expansion towers and build the system with only the CEC.

I put the 6.1 LIC disk in and booted to it, what a pain finding where it was attached and making that the load source.

No the system cannot find the load source disk as it is in one of the expansion towers and it will not let me install the LIC.

What is the proper way to take a system and wipe it out.

-- Chris Bipes Director of Information Services CrossCheck, Inc.

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