× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hi, James:

Have the customer issue DSPSYSVAL QALWUSRDMN and tell you what is specified. This could be preventing your application from creating a *USRQ in certain libraries. Also, what is DSPSYSVAL QSECURITY set to?

You might need to issue: RTVSYSVAL QALWUSRDMN in a program and interrogate the results, before your program just goes ahead and invokes QUSCRTUQ, so you can deal with the situation, e.g. by issuing a better error message?



> On 5/12/2010 12:09 PM, James H. H. Lampert wrote:
First of all, thanks to all those who came up with ideas for my
"enhanced SAVCHGOBJ"; what I ended up doing was using an *OUTFILE from
the SAVCHGOBJ to direct two RPG Cycle programs: one does a SAVLIB on all
libraries that returned a CPF3745 on the SAVCHGOBJ, and the other, since
many of the libraries have corresponding IFS directories, attempts to
save those directories. Finally, after running both Cycle programs, it
does hard-coded saves of two other IFS directories. All saves except the
last of the two hard-coded ones are ENDOPT(*LEAVE).

But on to the problem du jour:

We have a customer who is experiencing a problem that I've never seen
before: he is getting a "Could not resolve to" message on a *USRQ that
we explicitly create in QTEMP when the application is launched. So far
as I can determine, all of our references to the *USRQ are fully qualified.

There is no sign that the program that creates the *USRQ is out-of-date,
and even if it were so far out-of-date that it didn't create it, it
wouldn't reference it, or call anything that referenced it, either.

And to top it all off, at the end of the list of error messages he sent
us, there's a "Help not defined for . . . command" message, referring to
a command for which help is most certainly defined.

At this point, I'm stumped. I'm waiting to find out whether it's
isolated or ongoing, specific to a single user or happens to everybody,
and what's in QTEMP after the failure.


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