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CRPence wrote:

Buck wrote:
Sadly, QSPMOVSP makes held and saved spooled files ready, which
is not desirable. I want to move them, not change their status.

I do not know of an API to replace CHGSPLFA. FWiW a CLLE issuing the
CHGSPLFA via passed parameters would seem a better & faster option than
the command string passed to a command interpreter.?

I'll try that, thanks.

The verb "move" in that API defines movement for the relative
positioning of a spooled file in a queue, not movement between queues.

Yes, I know but it was the closest thing I could find.

SWAG: If the intent is to move at least several spools to the output
queue using that API [e.g. move all entries on one queue to another],
then perhaps the expense of first creating a spool file in HLD [held]
status in the target output queue would be negligible. Having done that,
move\position all files directly after the held file [MSPF0200 for
*AFTER], instead of to either the top of the queue or directly after any
[previously moved] file which might not be held, then delete the spooled
file created with HLD status.

I thought of that and discarded it because the source spooled files are
a mix of held and ready. I appreciate your input Chuck, and this gives
me the opportunity to say thank you in public for your contributions.

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